Good Morning Abba, Jesus & Spirit
It has been a while since I have written here. Which is obviously not news to You. Hehe
How have You blessed me since last year August. How have You walked with me and provided and cared and loved me. How have You listened and answered and guided and taught me. How have You shown Your face to me in so many ways. Spoiling me, Refining me. Teaching me. How have Your favour lifted me into another realm of existence.
How do I love You and wish I could be more and do more and trust more and love more as Your Beloved Daughter.
This week I have been thinking on this verse.I have not read it, You have just reminded me of it through the presence of Holy Spirit and therefore it means You really want me to think on it and understand it for a reason.
I love this verse
2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
John 14: 2
I have been grappling with knowing YOU - truly knowing YOU. YOUR heart, YOUR Mind, YOUR thoughts about me, YOUR eyes. You answered me in the most awesome,only God can do this way by showing me YOU are MY BEST FRIEND.
How absolutely mind blowing, that YOU who are GOD of the universe. YOU who holds the world in the palm of Your hand. YOU who use the earth as Your footstool wants to be and is my best friend.
Again - WoW!
You knew that best friends is a term and concept I understand and would treasure.
You know me so well. Sooooo well.
Then I started thinking about these words of you Jesus.
2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
John 14: 2
What does it mean when You told us all almost 2000 years ago that You are preparing a room for us in the house of Abba?
Surely we would all just go to heaven and sit at the feet of Your United Throne?
Surely we would be so busy praising and worshiping You that we would not need a room?
How could there be room for each one of us - millions and millions and millions of people that was, that is and that are coming into Your Kingdom and loving arms?
If there are rooms for each one of us, would it be dormitories, futuristic rooms like in the future movies?
Would we all be wearing the same clothes, living in the same box rooms, all looking the same?
Would it be the struggle to survive rooms of so many Christians in the Middle East, 3rd world countries, Asia?
Would it be the opulence and over the top sets of the Western World Christian television networks?
Would it be Hollywood or Bollywood?
Would it be plain middle class type rooms?
Would it be like Your living standards when You became man - where You did not have a house or a place to put Your head, but had to be reliant on Abba to provide every day through Your brothers and sisters on earth?
What do You mean by: "I am going to prepare a place for you."
Could it mean that as my BEST Friend, that You are preparing a room that is unique to me and my taste and my passions and my favourite colours? Will it be a room reflecting my personality and gifts and talents and interests? Will it be a room where I will walk in and immediately KNOW that You do not just know me, but love me so much that You have prepared the perfect welcoming, staying for ever space just for me.
As unique as I am.
Reflecting me and only me.
A place I can sit and dream about and hanker to reach and be in.
A place not over the top and ostentatious.
A place not of poverty and hardship.
A place not to big and not to small, not to rich and not to poor.
A place that is perfect and just the right balance of everything.
A place prepared especially for me, by name.
A place where I would walk in and just know - this is it. My room prepared by My BEST Friend, just for ME.
A place that says - welcome home my beloved, my darling daughter/son/bride/friend/creation.
You are preparing a room for me,
Just WoW!
Gesprekke met my Abba - Conversations with my ABBA
Slegs ek en God in gesprek rondom Sy Woord, in die stilte van Sy teenwoordigheid en omvou in die arms van Sy genade en liefde. Just God and me discussing His Word, in the silence of His presence and surrounded in His grace and love.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Ek - net ek
Goeie middag Pappa
Ek wonder hoekom dit my so lank neem om dinge te snap, wat dit van my kop en ore reg na die kern van my wese sak? U geduld met ons is darem regtig ver bo my begrip en verstom my elke dag.
Ons word vandag so gebombardeer met inligting. Dit is 7 stappe van die en 6 wette van daai en 10 gewoontes van so. Elke opinie in die wêreld word bespreek en beskryf en beboek en beblog en bewebwerf. Ons is soos die Grieke van ouds wat alles debateer het en alles toegelaat het, maar tog verwag het dat almal dieselfde is op die einde van die dag.
So is ons selfs in die kerk. Die een bring die "resep" uit vir 'n suksesvolle kerk en ALMAL volg die boek. Daardie een sê dit is die pad om te volg en slaaf volg ons dit. Dan is daar iemand met die regte manier van bid en die regte manier van projekte hanteer en die kerk soos 'n besigheid hanteer en soos skape hardloop ons almal agterna.
Kom daar iemand wat sê ons moet weer bietjie dink en luister vir onsself en persoonlik met U praat, dan word daardie persoon omtrent uit die kerk gegooi oor sy of haar radikale gedagtes.
Op einde van die dag is ons soos die tieners, hoe harder ons probeer om anders te wees hoe meer lyk en dink en praat ons almal dieselfde. Die vormpie word gemaak en ons doen alles in ons vermoë om binne daardie vormpie te pas. Hoe meer ons in die vormpie pas, hoe ongelukkiger word ons, met 'n konstante hinkering na iets, maar weet nie wat nie.
Tog is dit nie wat U vir en van ons wil hê nie. U vier ons uniekheid. U verheug U oor ons individuele persoonlikheid. U verbly U oor U skepping, elkeen persooonlik en by die naam. Handgemaak en besonders. Nie 'n industriële loopband waarop vormpie na vormpie uitgedruk word nie, almal dieselfde en eenders nie.
U wil net hê ek moet ek wees. Met my eie gawes en talente en samestelling.
U wil hê ek moet my eie persoonlikheid in elke ding wat ek doen en aanpak afstempel.
U verwag nie van my om anders te wees, of soos ander te wees of te konformeer nie.
U verwag net dat ek U Woord gehoorsaam, in 'n persoonlike verhouding met U moet staan en my eie mens wees uitlewe in dit wat U op my hart sit.
Al wat U wil hê is dat ek, ek moet wees.
Hoe lank het dit nie geneem om by die bevrydende besef uit te kom nie.
Ek kan maar ophou studeer en die "antwoord" vind en eerder net my algemene kennis uitbrei deur verskillende opinies en uitgange te bekyk en dan voor U voete kom sit en weet U gaan my laat doen soos dit reg is vir my.
Dankie dat U my geskep het - net soos ek is.
Dankie dat U my gebruik - net soos ek is.
Dankie dat U stil verheug is oor my - net soos ek is.
Dankie dat U skeppingskrag deur my werk - net soos ek is.
Dankie dat U nie my persoonlikheid, my gawes of talente verander nie, maar dit net meer en meer in U beeld vorm - elke dag.
U unieke dogter
Friday, July 22, 2011
Taking on God's DNA mindset - attitude
My Glorious God
This DNA and mindset thing is really blowing My mind.
Please check my thinking on this:
If I consist of the DNA of my parents and family, it means that my DNA changes when I become Your daughter, as I then take on Your DNA!
So all the things that were true about me, such as the genetic negatives must then be canceled out and be replaced with genetic positives. My characteristics and personality type will not change, as You have created me in this way for a purpose, and a reason. However, DNA that is not from You, such as weight issues, addiction issues, mental illnesses, violence, sexuality issues, etc. are not from You and are immediately replaced with the healthy, the clean and the pure.
Even more important the DNA thinking we absorb into the core of our bodies since birth must also change. The communists and currently the Muslim believe system are amazing in changing the DNA thinking of their people through constant indoctrination. That we know and that we can address, but it is the "indoctrination" we absorb into our DNA thinking by living in a situation that is the more dangerous and this is the one we normally do NOT know.
Children from the rich and the successful, normally become rich and successful themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children out of creative homes, are normally creative themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children from academic homes, normally are very academic themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
This again we know and we accept and we admire.
However . . .
Children from abusive homes become abusive
Children from addictive homes become addictive
Children from poor homes become poor themselves
This again we know and we work at breaking these "cycles"
What hit me today, is that children from "seemingly normal/ average/ middle class/ Christian homes also absorb the DNA thinking of their homes and we are so IGNORANT and naive about this.
The strong mother sends a message about the role of men in the family
The workaholic father sends a message about the importance/ priority of the family in a man's life
The marriage interaction between grandparents/ parents/ uncle and aunts/ family friends become the essence of the children's marriages.
I have thus absorbed all these DNA thinking into my being, my core, my essence and never questioned it. It was just who I am, who my family is, who we are as a nation, people, country.
What needs to change is my DNA mindset and this has to become more and more like You God, but since we do not realise that our DNA mindset is wrong, we do not question it and therefore we do not address it. We interact with You and the Word the way we have been DNA "programmed" and we keep on perpetuating the same DNA thinking.
Since DNA is the very essence core component of my body, it just IS.
Since DNA thinking is is the very essence core component of my mindset, it just IS.
If I do not on purpose, with passion and vigour and constant commitment reset my DNA thinking, I am going through life less, limited, handicapped.
Is this right God?
If this is right why are we so scared of changing our mindsets and attitudes?
Why are we so quick to say that the Power of Positive Thinking is new age and not from You God?
Why are we so quick to condemn when people say things are going wrong and cannot stay as is?
Why are we so quick to lable the Christians who submit to Your DNA thinking as freaks, unnatural, holier-than-thou?
Is it so comfortable in this place where we are finding ourselves?
Are we just to lazy to work on the "difficult"?
Are we justifying our behaviour with "this is the way God has made me"
I am looking at so many caught in sexuality issues and I am wondering, how much are we (as a people) actually DNA thinking ourselves into these beings, so much so that our bodies change to accommodate our DNA thinking? Or the obese are DNA thought into this spiritual (principality) trap and believe it so much to the very core of their bodies that their bodies proof them right. Or the poor are so trapped in their DNA believes that this is the only reality to them that they cannot break the bondage. Or the unsuccessful stay "losing" for ever as the DNA believe override common sense and intelligence and talent and sabotage themselves in such subtle ways that they do not even realise it.
How much power IS there in my DNA thinking God?
How limited IS my faith that I do not rise above and out of my DNA thinking into Your DNA thinking and believes and attitudes?
If this is all true - anything is possible for us, through the blood of You Jesus Christ and Your power and DNA in us. We are made in Your image!
How do we share this with Your Bride?
How do we let this power and knowledge in our hands and essence of our being become reality and overcome?
My words
My words
My words
My thinking
My thinking
My thinking
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
The operating centre of my world - my mind needs to be changed - TODAY & TOMORROW & and every next TOMORROW.
Through FAITH in YOU!!!
Through knowing who I AM in YOU who IS.
Your DNA mindset, believes, thinking and attitude changing daughter and bride.
This DNA and mindset thing is really blowing My mind.
Please check my thinking on this:
If I consist of the DNA of my parents and family, it means that my DNA changes when I become Your daughter, as I then take on Your DNA!
So all the things that were true about me, such as the genetic negatives must then be canceled out and be replaced with genetic positives. My characteristics and personality type will not change, as You have created me in this way for a purpose, and a reason. However, DNA that is not from You, such as weight issues, addiction issues, mental illnesses, violence, sexuality issues, etc. are not from You and are immediately replaced with the healthy, the clean and the pure.
Even more important the DNA thinking we absorb into the core of our bodies since birth must also change. The communists and currently the Muslim believe system are amazing in changing the DNA thinking of their people through constant indoctrination. That we know and that we can address, but it is the "indoctrination" we absorb into our DNA thinking by living in a situation that is the more dangerous and this is the one we normally do NOT know.
Children from the rich and the successful, normally become rich and successful themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children out of creative homes, are normally creative themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children from academic homes, normally are very academic themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
This again we know and we accept and we admire.
However . . .
Children from abusive homes become abusive
Children from addictive homes become addictive
Children from poor homes become poor themselves
This again we know and we work at breaking these "cycles"

The strong mother sends a message about the role of men in the family
The workaholic father sends a message about the importance/ priority of the family in a man's life
The marriage interaction between grandparents/ parents/ uncle and aunts/ family friends become the essence of the children's marriages.
I have thus absorbed all these DNA thinking into my being, my core, my essence and never questioned it. It was just who I am, who my family is, who we are as a nation, people, country.
What needs to change is my DNA mindset and this has to become more and more like You God, but since we do not realise that our DNA mindset is wrong, we do not question it and therefore we do not address it. We interact with You and the Word the way we have been DNA "programmed" and we keep on perpetuating the same DNA thinking.
Since DNA is the very essence core component of my body, it just IS.
Since DNA thinking is is the very essence core component of my mindset, it just IS.
If I do not on purpose, with passion and vigour and constant commitment reset my DNA thinking, I am going through life less, limited, handicapped.
Is this right God?
If this is right why are we so scared of changing our mindsets and attitudes?
Why are we so quick to say that the Power of Positive Thinking is new age and not from You God?
Why are we so quick to condemn when people say things are going wrong and cannot stay as is?
Why are we so quick to lable the Christians who submit to Your DNA thinking as freaks, unnatural, holier-than-thou?
Is it so comfortable in this place where we are finding ourselves?
Are we just to lazy to work on the "difficult"?
Are we justifying our behaviour with "this is the way God has made me"
I am looking at so many caught in sexuality issues and I am wondering, how much are we (as a people) actually DNA thinking ourselves into these beings, so much so that our bodies change to accommodate our DNA thinking? Or the obese are DNA thought into this spiritual (principality) trap and believe it so much to the very core of their bodies that their bodies proof them right. Or the poor are so trapped in their DNA believes that this is the only reality to them that they cannot break the bondage. Or the unsuccessful stay "losing" for ever as the DNA believe override common sense and intelligence and talent and sabotage themselves in such subtle ways that they do not even realise it.
How much power IS there in my DNA thinking God?
How limited IS my faith that I do not rise above and out of my DNA thinking into Your DNA thinking and believes and attitudes?
If this is all true - anything is possible for us, through the blood of You Jesus Christ and Your power and DNA in us. We are made in Your image!
How do we share this with Your Bride?
How do we let this power and knowledge in our hands and essence of our being become reality and overcome?
My words
My words
My words
My thinking
My thinking
My thinking
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
The operating centre of my world - my mind needs to be changed - TODAY & TOMORROW & and every next TOMORROW.
Through FAITH in YOU!!!
Through knowing who I AM in YOU who IS.
Your DNA mindset, believes, thinking and attitude changing daughter and bride.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Joy of the Lord is my Peace
Dearest Abba and Jesus and Holy Spirit
You show me that the world is in chaos and while we can acknowledge and accept that, we are not in chaos.
You show me that I can have peace and order around me, in me and following me, while the world around me can be crazy and hiss and spit at me as much as it wants to.
You fill me with Your Joy and Peace and Strength.
You keep on showing me Your promises and the power in words and the power in what I think, say, believe.
You challenge me to question my believes and faith against my thoughts and actions and words.
You challenge me to explain to You my thinking on Your Power and Healing and Miracles and Works and expose my limited believe system.
You show me how entrenched I have become in thinking western, science, reasoning, explanations, logic and proof.
Then You open my eyes to Your Word and Your Promises and Your Might and Your Power and Your Love.
You top it off with a beautiful email in my inbox.
How I love You.
21/07/2011 - A true RSA story
Dream of the Month – In God’s Presence
Interpretation:- This is one of the dreams that you have to read with the heart of a child. It is such a simple, honest explanation of what she experienced. In her simple language she expresses the glory and power of the presence of God. When this was shared with me the first time, a powerful anointing surrounded me and I knew that I need to share this with as many people as possible. A powerful sense of love and peace flowed through me as if the Lord was standing with me. In this dream He shows us that we have to be as childlike in our faith as Marzaan. Just to sit with Him, experience His presence and to enjoy His company. It is a call not to do things to try and earn His approval, but to receive His grace and love, fully longing and expecting to be in His presence. What makes this dream unique is for Marzaan to remember and recognize a grandmother that passed away when she was only 18 months old.
This is a confirmation of the authenticity of the dream. To experience the brilliant glory of God, whether it is in a dream or in the natural is an awesome experience. There does not seem to be a special message or anything to interpret. It is just an expression of the love of God, that takes the time to visit a little girl while she is playing in the park. Maybe He is saying to you “Come and play with me, you are way to serious!” Song 7:10-12 I am my Beloved's, and His desire is toward me. 11 Come, my Beloved, let us go out into the field; let us stay in the villages. 12 Let us rise up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flowers, whether the tender grape appears, and the pomegranates bud forth; there I will give You my loves. (MKJV)
You show me that the world is in chaos and while we can acknowledge and accept that, we are not in chaos.
You show me that I can have peace and order around me, in me and following me, while the world around me can be crazy and hiss and spit at me as much as it wants to.
You fill me with Your Joy and Peace and Strength.
You keep on showing me Your promises and the power in words and the power in what I think, say, believe.
You challenge me to question my believes and faith against my thoughts and actions and words.
You challenge me to explain to You my thinking on Your Power and Healing and Miracles and Works and expose my limited believe system.
You show me how entrenched I have become in thinking western, science, reasoning, explanations, logic and proof.
Then You open my eyes to Your Word and Your Promises and Your Might and Your Power and Your Love.
You top it off with a beautiful email in my inbox.
How I love You.
21/07/2011 - A true RSA story
Dream of the Month – In God’s Presence
Sometimes a person shares a dream that fills you with so much awe that you must share it with others. One such dream was shared by the grandparents of Marzaan who is 4½ years old.
Marzaan’s dream:- “I was playing in a park with Jesus. Grandma was running with me and slid down the slip and slide with me” (her grandparents quickly explained that this grandmother passed away when Marzaan was 18 months old).
“There are angels and there is shining glitter everywhere. You can pick up the glitter and throw it into the air. The glitter is on the angels as well. The ground is very soft. You can bounce on it. Jesus is also there.” “His eyes shine brilliantly!” (at this point she holds her arm over her eyes to demonstrate that His eyes were shining so brilliantly that she could only peek at Him from under her arm and not look at Him directly).
“Then Jesus’ Daddy also arrived. When He walks, you fall over and bounce on the ground when you fall” (at this point she laughs as she explains how she falls). “You can’t stay on your feet when He is there”. On a question of what Jesus’ Daddy (God) looks like she simply says “I could not see, it hurt my eyes when I tried to look at Him”.
Interpretation:- This is one of the dreams that you have to read with the heart of a child. It is such a simple, honest explanation of what she experienced. In her simple language she expresses the glory and power of the presence of God. When this was shared with me the first time, a powerful anointing surrounded me and I knew that I need to share this with as many people as possible. A powerful sense of love and peace flowed through me as if the Lord was standing with me. In this dream He shows us that we have to be as childlike in our faith as Marzaan. Just to sit with Him, experience His presence and to enjoy His company. It is a call not to do things to try and earn His approval, but to receive His grace and love, fully longing and expecting to be in His presence. What makes this dream unique is for Marzaan to remember and recognize a grandmother that passed away when she was only 18 months old.
This is a confirmation of the authenticity of the dream. To experience the brilliant glory of God, whether it is in a dream or in the natural is an awesome experience. There does not seem to be a special message or anything to interpret. It is just an expression of the love of God, that takes the time to visit a little girl while she is playing in the park. Maybe He is saying to you “Come and play with me, you are way to serious!” Song 7:10-12 I am my Beloved's, and His desire is toward me. 11 Come, my Beloved, let us go out into the field; let us stay in the villages. 12 Let us rise up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flowers, whether the tender grape appears, and the pomegranates bud forth; there I will give You my loves. (MKJV)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Why do Your children go through difficulties?
Dear Abba
The last couple of years have been very difficult for me. Every time I think this is the end of the road of adversity, something new hits me square in the face.
Three months ago, I hit such a low and was ready to quit, but You held tightly onto me and pulled me out of the pit of self-pity and defeat. You placed me on the rock of Jesus Christ and refreshed and renewed my mind.
The adversity did not end, in fact it feels as if it has intensified. More things are going wrong, it is more difficult to manage and go on the road I am on. BUT, my mindset and attitude has changed. You opened my eyes for sin, wrong believes, wrong attitudes, wrong actions in my life. You exposed me to new writers, preachers, prophets and opened You Word in such beautiful new ways that I am amazed.
So I pondered the age old question? How come God allows His children to go through adversity? AND, suddenly it all just made sense.
There are always just two kinds . . .
Two kinds of people
those who choose not to believe in one God, Almighty, Omnipresent, Omnicient
those who scoff and laugh at the "foolish" and the "naive" for believing in You
those who mock You Word and find many reasons to dispute it
those who believe in themselves or false gods or other religions
those who profess not to believe in anything
These are normally the FIRST to question Your existence when something goes wrong. They do not believe in You, but are quick to questions You or cry to You when they are in difficulties of some kind or other
The 2nd kind is:
those who believe in You as God Trinity
Again there are 2 kinds - 2 kinds of Christians
Or they are just fatalistic and say this is the way it is suppose to be, who am I to disagree or question God
Or they do not even notice that this are going wrong around them, as they are nice and warm in their own little world/ comfort zone
Those who are Christians through tradition/ legalism find it difficult to have a personal relationship with You and also are quick to question Your existence/ love/ motive when things are not going according to THEIR plan
The 2nd kind of Christians are those who . . .
But the more time we spend in Your presence, the more beautiful our relationship becomes.
The more we grow in relationship with You, the more worldly measurements and values and priorities lose it glamour and allure.
The more we live in Your "limited" world, the more free we become, the more possibilities there are, the more we have peace and joy and choices
I have come to realise that I need to embrace the adversity
I have come to realise that I need to rejoice in the attacks from the enemy
I have come to realise that it is the heat and the problems and the adversity that brings all the impurities to the service to be faced and dealt with. To be removed and cleaned off.
I have come to realise that it is in the deepest pit that I call to You with the most intensity
I have come to realise it is deep calling to Deep that brings healing
I have come to realise that when I am being purified it is the time I seek You the most with passion and intensity
I have come to realise that in it all it is possible to live in Your peace and joy
I have come to realise this is when I step into faith and out of tradition and legalism
I have come to realise that I NEED the adversity, the war, the testing, the gentle admonitions, the reprimands, the reproach to keep me on the right road.
I have come to realise that it is only through these periods of purification that my faith grows and my relationship with You deepens and increase in understanding, power and authority Abba and Jesus Christ
I have come to the place in my relationship with You, where although it is not pleasant, I have realised that I need You more than I breath and that I need to be purified so that I can become more and more who You desire me to be and less and less of my own selfish needs and preconceived ideas.
So why do Your children go through difficulties?
- because we chose to sin
- because we chose to turn away/ against You Abba
- because we open doors to our lives with wrong choices
- because we do not want to put in the time and effort that is needed in any intimate relationship - also with You
- because we hold onto traditions/ wrong believes
- because we refuse to listen when You speak to our spirit
- because we do not KNOW Your Word and how we should be living a Godly live
- because we hold onto old hurts and bitterness and attitudes and do not give it up with ease
- because we need to be brought into the deepest relationship with You and only through experience, purification and adversity do we learn You voice, strategies, expectaions
- because we need to be tested for strength, for commitment, for faith
- because we need to climb out of our comfort zones and sometime the only way we can be taught this is to be pushed out of the nest
- because we need to discover our own strength and authority in You Christ
- because we need to change our mindsets and attitudes and words
- because this is the way to wearing our crown and seal and entrance into heaven
MOSTLY, because You are in charge and You know where and what You want to achieve through and with Us.
So thank You Abba for the never ending road You walk with me.
Thank You Jesus for never giving up on me
Thank You Holy Spirit for filling me daily with new wisdom and knowledge and insight and power
Your humble daughter, sister, bride, priest, earthly way
The last couple of years have been very difficult for me. Every time I think this is the end of the road of adversity, something new hits me square in the face.
Three months ago, I hit such a low and was ready to quit, but You held tightly onto me and pulled me out of the pit of self-pity and defeat. You placed me on the rock of Jesus Christ and refreshed and renewed my mind.
The adversity did not end, in fact it feels as if it has intensified. More things are going wrong, it is more difficult to manage and go on the road I am on. BUT, my mindset and attitude has changed. You opened my eyes for sin, wrong believes, wrong attitudes, wrong actions in my life. You exposed me to new writers, preachers, prophets and opened You Word in such beautiful new ways that I am amazed.
So I pondered the age old question? How come God allows His children to go through adversity? AND, suddenly it all just made sense.
There are always just two kinds . . .
Two kinds of people
- Those who do NOT to believe in YOU
- Those who believe in YOU
those who choose not to believe in one God, Almighty, Omnipresent, Omnicient
those who scoff and laugh at the "foolish" and the "naive" for believing in You
those who mock You Word and find many reasons to dispute it
those who believe in themselves or false gods or other religions
those who profess not to believe in anything
These are normally the FIRST to question Your existence when something goes wrong. They do not believe in You, but are quick to questions You or cry to You when they are in difficulties of some kind or other
The 2nd kind is:
those who believe in You as God Trinity
Again there are 2 kinds - 2 kinds of Christians
- Those who sees You as a quick fix or the solution to their problems, whereby You are just the provider, the ATM, the one at their beck and call.
- Those who have true relationship with You God, who loves You and desire a relationship with You. Those who learn and study and spend time with You
- superficial
- lazy
- in it for what they can get out of You God
- the quick road, the short cut, without putting in the time and the effort to build a relationship with You
- Others must pray for them
- Others must think and find the answer from You Abba for them
- Others must heal them
- Others must cut them special slack and favours, because after all it is their right as Christians
- Others must do the work and they just want to open their mouths and get fed by the "best" showmanship church/ preacher out there
- They want a warm and fuzzy Sunday experience and then their mind is eased for the next seven days
- They do not question anything, but follow the most convincing preacher/ speaker/ programme
- They want the easy and the high road and no suffering or adversity or tests coming their way
- They do not pay the price for being a child of You the Utmost High
Or they are just fatalistic and say this is the way it is suppose to be, who am I to disagree or question God
Or they do not even notice that this are going wrong around them, as they are nice and warm in their own little world/ comfort zone
Those who are Christians through tradition/ legalism find it difficult to have a personal relationship with You and also are quick to question Your existence/ love/ motive when things are not going according to THEIR plan
The 2nd kind of Christians are those who . . .
- realise that building a relationship with You takes time and "work/effort"
- study Your Word for truth
- spend time in prayer and learning
- pay the price in terms of time, giving up things to be able to spend time with You
- make life choices that do not always make them the most popular, but which they know is what You require from Your children
- are called the "fanaticals", the "freaks", the"fundamentalist", the foolish and the naive.
- realise that so many life choices have been "limited" to God choices,
- I cannot marry anyone I want to anymore
- I cannot do with my money and possessions what I want to anymore
- I cannot make a life decisions without consulting You first
- I cannot stay in the same circle of friends/ church/ environment I always did
- I cannot make decisions and then just expect You to adhere to my choices and bless it
- I cannot watch any TV programme, listen to any radio station/ music, read any book I want to, but have to measure against God principles and the voice of the Spirit in my soul
- I cannot react anyway I want to, but have to let the flesh die to the spirit man
- I do not have the right to condemnation anymore, but have to hand it over to You God
- realise that we are in a constant, continuous, never ending battle/ war/ fight against the darkness and that it will never end here on earth
- realise that adversity will constantly hammer us from all sides
- realise that we need to be purified, strengthened, made humble everyday of my live
But the more time we spend in Your presence, the more beautiful our relationship becomes.
The more we grow in relationship with You, the more worldly measurements and values and priorities lose it glamour and allure.
The more we live in Your "limited" world, the more free we become, the more possibilities there are, the more we have peace and joy and choices

I have come to realise that I need to rejoice in the attacks from the enemy
I have come to realise that it is the heat and the problems and the adversity that brings all the impurities to the service to be faced and dealt with. To be removed and cleaned off.
I have come to realise that it is in the deepest pit that I call to You with the most intensity
I have come to realise it is deep calling to Deep that brings healing
I have come to realise that when I am being purified it is the time I seek You the most with passion and intensity
I have come to realise that in it all it is possible to live in Your peace and joy
I have come to realise this is when I step into faith and out of tradition and legalism
I have come to realise that I NEED the adversity, the war, the testing, the gentle admonitions, the reprimands, the reproach to keep me on the right road.

I have come to the place in my relationship with You, where although it is not pleasant, I have realised that I need You more than I breath and that I need to be purified so that I can become more and more who You desire me to be and less and less of my own selfish needs and preconceived ideas.

- because we chose to sin
- because we chose to turn away/ against You Abba
- because we open doors to our lives with wrong choices
- because we do not want to put in the time and effort that is needed in any intimate relationship - also with You
- because we hold onto traditions/ wrong believes
- because we refuse to listen when You speak to our spirit
- because we do not KNOW Your Word and how we should be living a Godly live
- because we hold onto old hurts and bitterness and attitudes and do not give it up with ease
- because we need to be brought into the deepest relationship with You and only through experience, purification and adversity do we learn You voice, strategies, expectaions
- because we need to be tested for strength, for commitment, for faith
- because we need to climb out of our comfort zones and sometime the only way we can be taught this is to be pushed out of the nest
- because we need to discover our own strength and authority in You Christ
- because we need to change our mindsets and attitudes and words
- because this is the way to wearing our crown and seal and entrance into heaven
MOSTLY, because You are in charge and You know where and what You want to achieve through and with Us.
So thank You Abba for the never ending road You walk with me.
Thank You Jesus for never giving up on me
Thank You Holy Spirit for filling me daily with new wisdom and knowledge and insight and power
Your humble daughter, sister, bride, priest, earthly way
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bride of the King
Dear Daddy
I have been thinking about being Your daughter and who You are as Dada for so long. The journey has been exciting, painful, humbling and worth every step of the road You have lead me on.
And then I thought it is now right to move from daughter to bride. I wanted to write about being not just daughter, but also bride, but I just could not get it down in writing. You kept on taking me on this journey of being with Jesus Christ and I kept on wondering WHY?
I know Jesus.
- He is the Son
- He is the Saviour
- He is the Intercessor
- He is sitting at Your right hand side on the throne
- He is the Bridegroom
- He is the one through whom we pray to You
- He is the new Covenant
Till I suddenly realised I did not really KNOW You King Jesus. You were all of these things, but my picture of You were limited and blurry. It was soft and young and romantic. You were the perfect older brother and the perfect bridegroom, but You were not the God King Brother and Bridegroom in my faith life.
I have made You so much less than who You really are.
I did not begin to understand that You are GOD, ALL POWERFUL, ALL MIGHTY, ALL KNOWING
I did not even begin to fathom that You are ageless, strong, powerful and King.
You are King over the heavens and earth.
You are King over all on the earth
You are in on the plan, not just part of the plan for the universe and earth and me.
You are not "just" the son. You are the SON!!!!
You are fully, totally, ultimately GOD.
You love ME with passion and vigour and tenaciousness.
You are not giving up on me. Not till the last moment of my time here on earth in my physical body are You letting go or giving up on me.
Your blood is covering me not just as my Saviour, but also as my Protector and my Rock and my Power and my Strength.
Jesus Christ Your name is above all names and I honour You as my King and as my Bridegroom.
Thank You for showing me who You are every day.
Thank You for opening my eyes to my own limited, shallow faith in You.
Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking me.
Thank You for an undying passion and love for me.
Thank You that you are walking with me step by step on this journey of discovery.
Thank You for turning me from self- centred to God- centred.
I do not just love You, but I have fallen IN love with You my King.
Daddy, thank You for taking me on this journey of deeper and deeper faith and understanding and wisdom and knowledge, but mostly thank You for making me EXPERIENCE Your love.
Your daughter and Your Bride
Psalm 45
To the Chief Musician; [set to the tune of] "Lilies" [probably a popular air. A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A skillful song, or a didactic or reflective poem. A song of love.
1MY HEART overflows with a [a]goodly theme; I address my psalm to a King. My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
2You are fairer than the children of men; graciousness is poured upon Your lips; therefore God has blessed You forever.
3Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, in Your glory and Your majesty!
4And in Your majesty ride on triumphantly for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); and let Your right hand guide You to tremendous things.
5Your arrows are sharp; the peoples fall under You; Your darts pierce the hearts of the King's enemies.
6Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
7You love righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with God and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your fellows.
8Your garments are all fragrant with myrrh, aloes, and cassia; stringed instruments make You glad.
9Kings' daughters are among Your honorable women; at Your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir.
10Hear, O daughter, consider, submit, and consent to my instruction: forget also your own people and your father's house;
11So will the King desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, be submissive and reverence and honor Him.
12And, O daughter of Tyre, the richest of the people shall entreat your favor with a gift.
13The King's daughter in the inner part [of the palace] is all glorious; her clothing is inwrought with gold.
14She shall be brought to the King in raiment of needlework; with the virgins, her companions that follow her, she shall be brought to You.
15With gladness and rejoicing will they be brought; they will enter into the King's palace.
16Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, whom You will make princes in all the land.
17I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore shall the people praise and give You thanks forever and ever.
a. Psalm 45:1 Jesus spoke of what was written of Him "in the Psalms" (see Luke 24:44). This is one such Messianic psalm. However, the capitalization indicating the deity is offered provisionally. The chapter is written against the background of a secular royal wedding. But the New Testament reference to this psalm in Heb. 1:8, 9, where verses 6 and 7 of Psalm 45 are quoted and applied to Christ, makes any other interpretation seem incidental in importance.
I have been thinking about being Your daughter and who You are as Dada for so long. The journey has been exciting, painful, humbling and worth every step of the road You have lead me on.
And then I thought it is now right to move from daughter to bride. I wanted to write about being not just daughter, but also bride, but I just could not get it down in writing. You kept on taking me on this journey of being with Jesus Christ and I kept on wondering WHY?
I know Jesus.
- He is the Son
- He is the Saviour
- He is the Intercessor
- He is sitting at Your right hand side on the throne
- He is the Bridegroom
- He is the one through whom we pray to You
- He is the new Covenant
Till I suddenly realised I did not really KNOW You King Jesus. You were all of these things, but my picture of You were limited and blurry. It was soft and young and romantic. You were the perfect older brother and the perfect bridegroom, but You were not the God King Brother and Bridegroom in my faith life.
I have made You so much less than who You really are.
I did not begin to understand that You are GOD, ALL POWERFUL, ALL MIGHTY, ALL KNOWING
I did not even begin to fathom that You are ageless, strong, powerful and King.
You are King over the heavens and earth.
You are King over all on the earth
You are in on the plan, not just part of the plan for the universe and earth and me.
You are not "just" the son. You are the SON!!!!
You are fully, totally, ultimately GOD.
You love ME with passion and vigour and tenaciousness.
You are not giving up on me. Not till the last moment of my time here on earth in my physical body are You letting go or giving up on me.
Your blood is covering me not just as my Saviour, but also as my Protector and my Rock and my Power and my Strength.
Jesus Christ Your name is above all names and I honour You as my King and as my Bridegroom.
Thank You for showing me who You are every day.
Thank You for opening my eyes to my own limited, shallow faith in You.
Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking me.
Thank You for an undying passion and love for me.
Thank You that you are walking with me step by step on this journey of discovery.
Thank You for turning me from self- centred to God- centred.
I do not just love You, but I have fallen IN love with You my King.
Daddy, thank You for taking me on this journey of deeper and deeper faith and understanding and wisdom and knowledge, but mostly thank You for making me EXPERIENCE Your love.
Your daughter and Your Bride
Psalm 45
To the Chief Musician; [set to the tune of] "Lilies" [probably a popular air. A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A skillful song, or a didactic or reflective poem. A song of love.
1MY HEART overflows with a [a]goodly theme; I address my psalm to a King. My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
2You are fairer than the children of men; graciousness is poured upon Your lips; therefore God has blessed You forever.
3Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, in Your glory and Your majesty!
4And in Your majesty ride on triumphantly for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); and let Your right hand guide You to tremendous things.
5Your arrows are sharp; the peoples fall under You; Your darts pierce the hearts of the King's enemies.
6Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
7You love righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with God and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your fellows.
8Your garments are all fragrant with myrrh, aloes, and cassia; stringed instruments make You glad.
9Kings' daughters are among Your honorable women; at Your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir.
10Hear, O daughter, consider, submit, and consent to my instruction: forget also your own people and your father's house;
11So will the King desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, be submissive and reverence and honor Him.
12And, O daughter of Tyre, the richest of the people shall entreat your favor with a gift.
13The King's daughter in the inner part [of the palace] is all glorious; her clothing is inwrought with gold.
14She shall be brought to the King in raiment of needlework; with the virgins, her companions that follow her, she shall be brought to You.
15With gladness and rejoicing will they be brought; they will enter into the King's palace.
16Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, whom You will make princes in all the land.
17I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore shall the people praise and give You thanks forever and ever.
a. Psalm 45:1 Jesus spoke of what was written of Him "in the Psalms" (see Luke 24:44). This is one such Messianic psalm. However, the capitalization indicating the deity is offered provisionally. The chapter is written against the background of a secular royal wedding. But the New Testament reference to this psalm in Heb. 1:8, 9, where verses 6 and 7 of Psalm 45 are quoted and applied to Christ, makes any other interpretation seem incidental in importance.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
God is Here in my field op oppression
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 7/1/11:In a vision I was in a heavily forested area, and the trees were so numerous that the sunshine was thin and there was a sense of foreboding and a I had a tendency to be weighed down with the darkness. Then, I emerged into a clearing. It was a rather large meadow filled with grass, wild flowers, and abundant sunshine. And, I heard the Lord say that those who will believe in and trust in Him are about to emerge from a season of oppression. There will be a clearing away of those things that have been a burden to His people.
Isaiah 9:4 For You have broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.
Isaiah 9:4 For You have broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.
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