This DNA and mindset thing is really blowing My mind.
Please check my thinking on this:
If I consist of the DNA of my parents and family, it means that my DNA changes when I become Your daughter, as I then take on Your DNA!
So all the things that were true about me, such as the genetic negatives must then be canceled out and be replaced with genetic positives. My characteristics and personality type will not change, as You have created me in this way for a purpose, and a reason. However, DNA that is not from You, such as weight issues, addiction issues, mental illnesses, violence, sexuality issues, etc. are not from You and are immediately replaced with the healthy, the clean and the pure.
Even more important the DNA thinking we absorb into the core of our bodies since birth must also change. The communists and currently the Muslim believe system are amazing in changing the DNA thinking of their people through constant indoctrination. That we know and that we can address, but it is the "indoctrination" we absorb into our DNA thinking by living in a situation that is the more dangerous and this is the one we normally do NOT know.
Children from the rich and the successful, normally become rich and successful themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children out of creative homes, are normally creative themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
Children from academic homes, normally are very academic themselves, because their whole DNA thinking has been programmed this way.
This again we know and we accept and we admire.
However . . .
Children from abusive homes become abusive
Children from addictive homes become addictive
Children from poor homes become poor themselves
This again we know and we work at breaking these "cycles"

The strong mother sends a message about the role of men in the family
The workaholic father sends a message about the importance/ priority of the family in a man's life
The marriage interaction between grandparents/ parents/ uncle and aunts/ family friends become the essence of the children's marriages.
I have thus absorbed all these DNA thinking into my being, my core, my essence and never questioned it. It was just who I am, who my family is, who we are as a nation, people, country.
What needs to change is my DNA mindset and this has to become more and more like You God, but since we do not realise that our DNA mindset is wrong, we do not question it and therefore we do not address it. We interact with You and the Word the way we have been DNA "programmed" and we keep on perpetuating the same DNA thinking.
Since DNA is the very essence core component of my body, it just IS.
Since DNA thinking is is the very essence core component of my mindset, it just IS.
If I do not on purpose, with passion and vigour and constant commitment reset my DNA thinking, I am going through life less, limited, handicapped.
Is this right God?
If this is right why are we so scared of changing our mindsets and attitudes?
Why are we so quick to say that the Power of Positive Thinking is new age and not from You God?
Why are we so quick to condemn when people say things are going wrong and cannot stay as is?
Why are we so quick to lable the Christians who submit to Your DNA thinking as freaks, unnatural, holier-than-thou?
Is it so comfortable in this place where we are finding ourselves?
Are we just to lazy to work on the "difficult"?
Are we justifying our behaviour with "this is the way God has made me"
I am looking at so many caught in sexuality issues and I am wondering, how much are we (as a people) actually DNA thinking ourselves into these beings, so much so that our bodies change to accommodate our DNA thinking? Or the obese are DNA thought into this spiritual (principality) trap and believe it so much to the very core of their bodies that their bodies proof them right. Or the poor are so trapped in their DNA believes that this is the only reality to them that they cannot break the bondage. Or the unsuccessful stay "losing" for ever as the DNA believe override common sense and intelligence and talent and sabotage themselves in such subtle ways that they do not even realise it.
How much power IS there in my DNA thinking God?
How limited IS my faith that I do not rise above and out of my DNA thinking into Your DNA thinking and believes and attitudes?
If this is all true - anything is possible for us, through the blood of You Jesus Christ and Your power and DNA in us. We are made in Your image!
How do we share this with Your Bride?
How do we let this power and knowledge in our hands and essence of our being become reality and overcome?
My words
My words
My words
My thinking
My thinking
My thinking
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
My actions and believes
The operating centre of my world - my mind needs to be changed - TODAY & TOMORROW & and every next TOMORROW.
Through FAITH in YOU!!!
Through knowing who I AM in YOU who IS.
Your DNA mindset, believes, thinking and attitude changing daughter and bride.