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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trust & Faith & Servanthood


Trust without Faith is empty and Faith without Trust is empty. 
Faith without Serving is empty and Serving without Faith is as empty.

I proclaim my trust in You God, but do I trust?
I proclaim my faith in You God, but do I believe?
I proclaim my hands and feet and mouth and gifts and money are Yours, but do I serve?

You ask me to trust You with 10% of my income in faith that You will honour Your promises and provide the other 90% I need.
You ask me to trust You with one day in the week and spend it on You, in faith that You will walk with me the other six days and let it fall into place.
You ask me to trust You with the desires of my heart, that in Your perfect time it will be fulfilled.
You ask me to dream and believe.
You ask me to put my hand in Yours, to walk with absolute faith on the path You are leading me on, trusting implicitly that Your path is the right path.
You ask me to service with humbleness and trust/believe that You will reward me, instead of the instant gratification of the immediate rewards from those around me.
You ask me to service in dirt and blood and undignified situations, like the priest who had to slaughter and offer and burn in the dirt and blood and smells and heat and fire of the temple, the glamour not in the actual task, but in Your presence and the reward afterwards.
You ask me to live a life of joy and energy and optimism and, yes FAITH in the immediate and future.
You ask me to stand on Your promises and KNOW that everything will work out good for those who believe in YOU!

You ask my . . .

I give it with great difficulty.

I am so sorry God Father
I am so sorry Jesus Christ
I am so sorry Holy Spirit
I am so sorry
Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God.

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