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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Loving You Abba, flows over to so many areas

Hello again Daddy

Talking to You is so special and I just cannot get enough of it. How wonderful that You are just ALWAYS there for me, that You always listen and hear what I have to say, but even more wonderful is when I hear You in my heart and spirit and mind and soul.

This morning I was so excited for having finished reading our loveWord from Genesis to Revelation. This time I stuck to the reading plan and the time frame I have decided on and am so excited for having done it. Suddenly I just realised what the discipline in my time and devotion with you is doing to my life as a whole.

The discipline is flowing over into my whole being and mindset.
Planning and sticking to the plan is becoming part of everyday life.
The pleasure and value of spending time with you Daddy and achieving my goals are something I want to experience in every facet of my life now.

I just realised the value of self discipline in my time with you to teach me self discipline in all areas of my life. I just realised that the skills and values and norms and habits we form in our faith journey is directly being translated into our life journey as well.

Now I am angry at all those people that knows so well and tell us there is no value in "just" reading the Bible from one end to the other if we do not follow a specific teaching plan or spend time on verses etc. Yes I do realize that I cannot "just" read the Bible everyday, but if I have not followed my reading plan, I would never have experienced this joy of knowing for once in my life I have set a goal and followed through and achieved it. I would not have understood the value of self discipline like I do now. I would not have had this revelation about the direct link between my journey with you and my "normal" life journey. And then on top off it all, I have read every word of our loveLetter - every single word!! How awesome is that!!!

Daddy, thank You that You take us on roads we do not always even understand, but which You have a purpose with and from which we learn and grow so much. Thank You Daddy for what I have also learned about Your love for me, while I read over the last couple of months and thank You for fixing my heart in the process.

I am just so glad You are my Daddy.
Your daughter with new understanding.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Abba se beloftes

Goeiedag Abba

Vandag is weer 'n nuwe dag, vol hoop en beloftes en moontlikhede. U gee aan ons soveel meer as wat ons kan vra of kan dink of selfs voor kan hoop en tog mis ons soveel van U beloftes elke dag.
* 'n Veilige rit na die skool, werk, huis en oral anders
* 'n Lieflike vroee more en vars lug
* 'n Koel wndjie om lafenis te bring
* Sonlig wat laat groei en ons gesond hou
* Familie, vriende, kollegas, geliefdes
* Vrye toegang tot U Woord (in baie verskillende vertalings en skryfvorms)
* Kos en klere
* 'n Dak oor ons kop en 'n bed en vervoer
* Geleenthede om U beter te leer ken
* 'n Vrye toegang tot binne in U hemelkamer en troon en voor U voete

U belowe ons dat as ons die Naam van Jesus Christus bely IS ons U kinders.
U belowe ons dat as ons binne U wil lewe SAL U ons seen
U belowe ons dat as ons bid tot U HOOR U elke gebed en SAL U dit op die regte tyd beantwoord
U belowe ons dat as ons net glo, ons saam met U die onmoonlike kan verrig en uitrig

U belowe ons dat U ons lief het, dat ons die appel van U oog is, dat ons naam op U handpalm gegraveer is, dat elke haar op ons kop getel is, dat U elke oomblik van die dag by ons is, dat niks en niemand ons uit U hand van liefde kan ruk nie.

Dankie Abba, dat ons elke dag op U beloftes kan staan en weet ons is veilig by U en dat U aan elkeen van ons 'n nuwe naam gee, gegraveer op 'n wit klippie, 'n naam wat net U en ons elkeen sal ken - want ons is kosbaar en spesiaal vir U.

Dankie Abba, dat ek hierdie dag in U naam kan aanpak en met vertroue deur die dag kan gaan, wetend U is by my.
U geliefde dogter

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Daddy loves ME

Heavenly Father

What beauty is there just in saying your name and knowing you are my Father!!!

"Heavenly Father" - the word creates so many images and feelings in my heart and mind and soul.
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Respect
  • Laughter
  • Gentleness
  • Care
  • Provision
  • Father
  • Friend
  • Tenderness
  • Kindness
  • Listen
  • Time 
  • Healing
  • and so much more
You are all these things to me and more. I am your daughter, not just adopted, but of Your blood through Jesus Christ. I am the apple of Your eye, my name is written in the palm of Jesus's hand. You have created me. You love me. You WANT to spend time with me. You ARE interested in everything to do with my life, from the smallest details to the biggest issues. You hold me with tenderness and kindness and gentleness in Your arms. You LISTEN, really LISTEN when I tell you things. You provide when I need it. You are ALWAYS available and there for me. You show me beauty. You spoil me. You laugh with me. You provided life - EVERLASTING life.

You are my Daddy, MY Daddy.
You LOVE me, ME.

Thank you Daddy

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Die bruid van Jesus of die slaaf van Jesus

Goeiedag Pappie

Ek wil so graag die bruid van Jesus wees, in 'n liefdesverhouding met Hom. Sy goedkeuring en beskerming en voorsiening en genade en omgee myne maak - Sy 1 Kor 13 liefde bruid.

Ek wil so graag weet dat Hy van my hou en tyd by my wil spandeer.
Ek wil soos Maria Sy voete met my hare afvee en Hom salf met olies.
Ek wil aan Sy voete sit en luister en net wees by Hom.
Ek wil "gloei" in Sy teenwoordigheid en tyd saam met Hom spandeer, net omdat dit so lekker is en ek so goed voel daarna.
Ek wil myself versorg en mooi maak vir Hom en uitsien na elke oomblik wat ons saam spandeer.

Hoekom voel ek dan asof almal van my verwag om Jesus se slaaf te wees?
  • om soos Marta te moet werk en doen en bewys hoe groot Abbakind ek is
  • om wette en reëls na te volg
  • om my "reg" te gedra
  • om te moet leer en ken eerder as te voel en ervaar en weet
  • om die regte voorkoms te hê - ernstig, half suur, veroordelend en korrek - tog net nie anders of uitspattig of vrolik of mooi nie - die hemele behoed ons!!
  • om my "waardig" te gedra
  • om aan te sluit by die "regte" kerk en "regte" aksies en "regte" dinge te doen op die "regte" tyd
Hoekom voel dit vir my asof die kerk en die Christene nie meer omgee wat my verhouding met U is nie, of wat ek by U leer of hoor nie, of ek vreugde en "the joy of the Lord is my strength" ervaar nie?

Hoekom voel dit vir my die kerk is meer bekommerd oor hulle teologie en reëls en wette en geloofsbelewenisse vraagstukke - doop/ praat in tale/ diens/ musiek/ geboue/ inkomste en salarisse/ regte aksies/ wat mag jy en wat mag jy nie - as my siel en geloofslewe, die krag van my gebed en insig en onderskeiding en profeties en omgee en versorging en ?????

Abba, ek wil die bruid wees, nie die slaaf nie. Mag ek maar asseblief?
U lieflingkind

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My identity determines all

Dearest Abba

I sat listening to this group of women today, from all walks of life and various cultures, backgrounds and languages and suddenly it REALLY hit me, it does not matter who I am and where I am from; if my identity is build on the wrong foundation I am so screwed!

  • If I my identity is build on my roots, or my culture, or my political believes, or my past/history, or my nationality, race, colour of my skin, language, wealth, position in life, job, I am always going to be in a position of having to defend it, fight for it, justify it.
  • If it is build on external things, I am always going to be in fear that it will be taken away from me and therefore I will always have to furiously protect it and cannot allow somebody else to get an opportunity or credit for something, just in case I loose out or loose status or get less than they do.
    • However if my identity is build on faith, then I do not have to defend or fight, be aggressive, in the forefront, noticed, given credit, because then I find my worth in Your love Abba, my peace in Your power.
    • if I have an inner peace and worth, then I do not have to find it in people's approval, or in possessions, or power, or fame.
    • Then I do not have to always aim for the prominent, the big, the "in-your-face" projects/ jobs/ opportunities, the fame activities or numbers in a ministry, in fact nobody even needs to know what I am doing.
It boils down to:
- fear    vs. peace
- power vs. servanthood
- pride  vs. humbleness
- ego    vs. humility

I need to be who You say I am God-Jesus-Spirit, Your daughter, Your beloved bride, Your temple.
I find my rest and my peace in You.
I find my worth in You.
I find ME in YOU.
Here I am - Arms Wide Open
The Apple of Your Eye

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You carry me close to your heart

Good morning Daddy

You carry me close to your heart
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me.
- Chris Tomlin (All the way my Saviour leads me.)

I really do forget this, not just now and then, but ALL the time. Thank you for reminding me,
when I hear a song
in every verse of Your Word - Your Love Letter to me
in the beauty of the world and the people around me
in the soft whisper in my heart
in the smell of the wind, sea, grass, mountain, flowers
You say:
- Be strong, be brave I am with you
- Do not fear I am with you
- Do not be afraid, trust Me
- I shall be a Wall of fire around you
- You are the apple of My eye
- Your name is engraved on My hand - the hand I was crucified with
- You are My chosen one
- You are My bride

I ask your forgiveness Abba for my short memory.
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my doubts
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my lack of faith - so often
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my fears
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my doubts
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my lack of confidence and not stepping out in boldness in the Power of the Blood, for not claiming my authority and standing firm against the lies of the evil one, for taking my eyes of you, for getting tired of the constant battle of the war that never seems to leave us a moment of breathing spcae.

You are the Faithful One
Slow to anger
Quick to forgive
Patient and kind
All of the Honour
All of the Glory
All of the Praise to you alone

You place the dreams in my heart and then hold those dreams in Your heart

You have called us to be Your Chosen People - Your Bride

Every emotion I have, You know about and still love me unconditionally because of and despite of

You show me Your love everyday in the beauty that surrounds me.

You show me miracles and Your heart in nature, if I just look up and around to see You

You hold me carefully and tenderly in Your hands and Your heart - because I am precious to you

I praise You through my life, my words, my actions and my creativity. You love me because I am and because You Are. That is it - Full stop!
I am Your Valentine - Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
I am!!!
You are!!!