You carry me close to your heart
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me.
- Chris Tomlin (All the way my Saviour leads me.)
I really do forget this, not just now and then, but ALL the time. Thank you for reminding me,
when I hear a song
in every verse of Your Word - Your Love Letter to me
in the beauty of the world and the people around me
in the soft whisper in my heart
in the smell of the wind, sea, grass, mountain, flowers
You say:
- Be strong, be brave I am with you
- Do not fear I am with you
- Do not be afraid, trust Me
- I shall be a Wall of fire around you
- You are the apple of My eye
- Your name is engraved on My hand - the hand I was crucified with
- You are My chosen one
- You are My bride
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my short memory.
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my doubts
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my lack of faith - so often
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my fears
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my doubts
I ask your forgiveness Abba for my lack of confidence and not stepping out in boldness in the Power of the Blood, for not claiming my authority and standing firm against the lies of the evil one, for taking my eyes of you, for getting tired of the constant battle of the war that never seems to leave us a moment of breathing spcae.
You are the Faithful One
Slow to anger
Quick to forgive
Patient and kind
All of the Honour
All of the Glory
All of the Praise to you alone

You have called us to be Your Chosen People - Your Bride

Every emotion I have, You know about and still love me unconditionally because of and despite of

You show me Your love everyday in the beauty that surrounds me.

You hold me carefully and tenderly in Your hands and Your heart - because I am precious to you

I praise You through my life, my words, my actions and my creativity. You love me because I am and because You Are. That is it - Full stop!
I am Your Valentine - Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
I am!!!
You are!!!
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