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Thursday, February 3, 2011

My identity determines all

Dearest Abba

I sat listening to this group of women today, from all walks of life and various cultures, backgrounds and languages and suddenly it REALLY hit me, it does not matter who I am and where I am from; if my identity is build on the wrong foundation I am so screwed!

  • If I my identity is build on my roots, or my culture, or my political believes, or my past/history, or my nationality, race, colour of my skin, language, wealth, position in life, job, I am always going to be in a position of having to defend it, fight for it, justify it.
  • If it is build on external things, I am always going to be in fear that it will be taken away from me and therefore I will always have to furiously protect it and cannot allow somebody else to get an opportunity or credit for something, just in case I loose out or loose status or get less than they do.
    • However if my identity is build on faith, then I do not have to defend or fight, be aggressive, in the forefront, noticed, given credit, because then I find my worth in Your love Abba, my peace in Your power.
    • if I have an inner peace and worth, then I do not have to find it in people's approval, or in possessions, or power, or fame.
    • Then I do not have to always aim for the prominent, the big, the "in-your-face" projects/ jobs/ opportunities, the fame activities or numbers in a ministry, in fact nobody even needs to know what I am doing.
It boils down to:
- fear    vs. peace
- power vs. servanthood
- pride  vs. humbleness
- ego    vs. humility

I need to be who You say I am God-Jesus-Spirit, Your daughter, Your beloved bride, Your temple.
I find my rest and my peace in You.
I find my worth in You.
I find ME in YOU.
Here I am - Arms Wide Open
The Apple of Your Eye

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