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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God, why is the world so blind?

Dearest Daddy

Today I want to climb onto the highest mountain, or grab the microphone of every TV station in the world and shout and weep and shake my fists at the world, especially the so called Christians in the western world.

How stupid can people be?
How ignorant of who and what YOU are?
How can they spout so much holiness in your name, while the fruit of their life is sin, sin, sin?

I read a magazine today and article after article it is pure blasphemy - in YOUR Holy name:
  • one couple went away together for an island holiday and the guy prayed for the Holy Spirit to show him when to ask her to marry him, while they are already sharing a bed
  • another guy is married to a guy, but writes gospel songs and even recorded a CD
  • a Christian magazine advertise a gospel CD with various artists of which the life of half of them is such a mess, with divorces and affairs and living together and and and
  • a well known gospel singer is playing in a movie where a virgin is pregnant again and the director talks about Jesus as a prophet
  • people sit in church with sanctimonious faces while they are abusing their wives and kids, having alcohol, drug, gambling, porn addictions
  • Christians are turning the other cheek in the name humanism and not offending the world, out of fear of being called fanatics
  • Jesus has become this loving, weak, ATM, we can do what we want, as long as He provides in all our DESIRES - not needs - no our want, want, want desires
I read your Word and I know that Your love is unfathomable, Your mercy and grace is as big as the universe, Your answers to prayers are never ending.

BUT I also read that You warn Your children over and over that You are a jealous God, that You EXPECT us to live according to Your commandments and that not one word or title may be changed to suit OUR interpretation or OUR lifestyles.

The world has become no more than animals:
- sex is natural - we cannot do without it, it is unnatural not to have it, God created it after all and therefore He would not expect us to say no, even if not with my wife/husband
- God will forgive and He has brought this over my path therefore I have to do it
- It is such a good deal, it MUST be from God
- the world is doing it, the only way to do business and therefore I cannot be expected to not do it - so lets bribe and call it something else
- we have to live in faith, it is wrong to actually use the very brain and common sense that You have provided for us
- do not be such a wet blanket/ party pooper
- this is the way the world behave, so we just follow along and do it too

We do not control our natural urges, we do not use common sense and intelligence, we do not pray and ask for insight, wisdom and guidance, we feed the flesh, we just crave pleasure and instant gratification, we want it and we want it NOW

"You do not expect me to go without . . ., do you?"
"I do not believe that you are going without . . ., p lease tell me something else!"

I am so frustrated, not with the non-believers, but those who spout their believe/faith every time they get an opportunity, and live such "holy" lives, but who do not live what they read/learn/hear. It does not go from the eyes to the soul and heart and conviction of faith

I am so angry at the weak diluted glamor show of the western Christians.
I am so frustrated with the lies of the satan that are eaten as if it is pure gold, straight from Your mouth.
I am so sad at what we have become and that nobody actually care.

I am so disappointed to be called a freak, uptight, holier than thou by my very brothers and sisters in the blood of Jesus - those who should be standing up for who and what YOU are in unmovable faith.

I am so tired of wanting more from my Christ family than a slight variation of what the world is offering and living and believing.

Daddy - what do we do?
What do we do?

Daddy I am so sorry for what the world has made YOU - the most Holy, the most High, the Alpha and Omega, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, All Knowing, the King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, the Lover of Your children.

Daddy I am so sorry!!!!!!
Daddy, please forgive us, because we do not even know what we do, in the name of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ

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