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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Abba U praat elke dag met my in die gewone

Liefste en Wonderlike en Persoonlike Abba

Vanoggend stap ek in 'n vreemde kantoor in en daar lê 'n "coaster" met 'n prentjie van 'n olyftakkie en die woorde "olive oil" onderaan geskryf en skielik ruk dit my tot stilstand. Net gister lees ek in Lindie Gouws (MY World) se nuusbriefie die volgende: "2010 was a year compared to an olive in an olive press. However, when an olive is in an olive press it produces oil and in 2010 an anointing oil was produced in our lives that will be used for acts of service."

Vandag  lê hier 'n olyftakkie op die lessenaar en U herinner my aan U beloftes. Ek besef net weereens so baie keer soek ek vir die grootse en die wonderwerke en die "wow" oomblikke en eintlik praat U elke dag met my deur die gewone en die besonderse. EK moet net my oe oopmaak en sien dit wat U vir my wys.

 Dankie Abba dat ek so spesiaal is vir U dat U elke dag U beloftes aan my wys en bevestig, dat U elke dag in die alledaagse met my praat en U hart en liefde deel. Dankie Abba dat as ek net kyk ek sien hoe U elke dag vir my iets spesiaal en besonders wys, sê, doen, gee wat spreek tot my lewe en omstandighede en dat U daardeur vir my wil sê: "Ek is hier. Ek weet waardeur jy gaan. Ek weet wat jy nodig het. Ek weet wat jy wil of moet hoor om weer nuwe entosiasme en moed te skep.

Ek is jou Abba. Intiem by jou betrokke en ken jou deur en deur. Ek ken jou sit en jou staan, jou ingaan en jou uitgaan. Ek is hier!!!"

Dankie Abba.
Ek is ook baie lief vir U en is so dankbaar dat U liewer is vir my.

U dogter.

Die res van die profetiese woord deur Lindie Gouws vir 2011:

[2 Corinthians 6:17] There is a definite call being made into the hearts of God's children to come into a season of separation. This separation is not isolation, it is a separation of the heart unto God, where God has supreme and only rule, dominion and authority in our hearts. It is a place where our heart's allegiance is supremely dedicated to His Will and the ways Jesus taught us through the most powerful words spoken by any MAN, the MAN Jesus Christ. This is a time whereby the Spirit of God is calling the bride to lay down that which keeps us in bondage, that which tends to be so worldly defined and directed and yet influential in our daily lives. Only the Holy Spirit can minister this to each one of us separately and therefore I pray that your spirit will hear clearly and that you will respond out of love towards Jesus, our soon returning Bridegroom. Bride of Christ, get ready, have your lamps filled with oil [Matthew 25], pursue an intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit, a bond that will be established NEVER to be broken. Have His Word in your heart and you will have HIM in your heart, separated unto Him! Through this change in your life, this purification, you will be able to go out and impact the world you are living in.
2011 is a year in which we have to understand that we are called upon to implement Divine Discipline in our lives. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and by being filled by the precious Spirit of God self-control will become evident. This will be a daily walk and daily renewing of your mind, however you will see the fruit thereof manifest in your life.
Divine Discipline however goes along with the first word: "Come ye separate." We are going to need Godly discipline in various aspects of our lives, for know one thing very surely and definitely my precious friend, the enemy is going to try and rob this from us. We need to become disciplined according to God's standards and ways, as a bride preparing for her wedding... preparing our spirits by reading God's Word, spending much time in prayer and also by taking care of our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. [1 Corinthians 3:16]
2011 will be a year in which we see and experience the unprecedented favor of our Lord Jesus Christ. My brother and my sister, just watch and see! The word "unprecedented" is defined as "extra-ordinary, unparalleled, like never before...pioneering". I have seen the evidence thereof even in the first three weeks of January 2011. Please my brother and sister in Christ, hold on to these words and embrace the promise of our Messiah: "As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain. For He says: 'In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.'" [2 Corinthians 6:1-3]
 Profetiese woord deur Rick Joyner - MorningStar Ministries vir 2011:
Seeing and Hearing, Part 1
Since this is the first Word for the Week of 2011, and we are studying how to know God’s voice and the prophetic gifts that He has given to His church, I want to begin by sharing what may be one of the most prolific messages God’s people have been receiving. The question I may be asked more than any other is what 11-11 means. Whether seeing it repeatedly on their clocks or in other ways, many people have been receiving this for years. New Year’s Day was 1/1/11 or 11-11. This usually speaks of a second chance, which is the message of Isaiah 11:11 because it is here that God promises to restore Israel to their land a second time.

When Isaiah received this message, Israel had not even been scattered from the land and re-gathered the first time. When Jesus was asked about the signs of the end of the age, one of the things He said was that we should consider the fig tree, which is a symbol for Israel. Israel is one of the bold prophetic messages that prophets watch and consider. Israel is a barometer of mankind. It is in a perpetual state of conflict, both within and without. This has lasted for so long and they have desired peace so much that they have even been willing to give up large parts of their tiny bit of land in the hope of achieving peace. However, instead of leading to peace, the land they surrendered has become a base for attacking them. Their peace will never come from man, but only from God. The good news is that it will come from God, which is the most basic message of Isaiah 11.

Peace will never come by giving away what God assigned to us, but rather by esteeming everything He has given to us even more than peace with men and by seeing His purpose as even more valuable than life. It is time for Israel to be grafted back into the Tree—God Himself. It is a beginning to be re-gathered to the land, but it is more important to be re-gathered to the Lord.

Israel is a sign of God’s faithfulness to His Word. In Jeremiah 31, the Lord states that the order of the sun, moon, and the roaring of the sea would cease before His promises for Israel would fail. Many believe that these are now fulfilled in the church, “spiritual Israel.” This is true of many of them, but this does not negate that they are also for “natural Israel.” The Lord makes it clear in His Word in a number of places that these are for the physical seed of Abraham. The Apostle Paul also asserted this in his most important Epistle on New Covenant theology, the Book of Romans, as we read in chapters nine through eleven. As we are warned in this text, it is a big mistake to “become arrogant toward the natural branches” (see Romans 11:18).

The main message of the re-gathered nation of Israel is that God is faithful to His Word. He remains faithful even if we are unfaithful, and in His faithfulness He will give us another chance. The whole chapter of Isaiah11 is about the restoration of the earth to the paradise it was originally created to be, a second chance for the whole earth—the re-gathering of Israel “the second time” is a sign that this is near. The kingdom of God that God’s people have been praying for since Jesus walked the earth is near.

This is a year for recovering what has been lost, for many promises to come to pass, and for the backsliders to be brought back. This begins with prayer, intercession, and often fasting. When Daniel read in the prophecy of Jeremiah that Israel was to be scattered from the land the first time for seventy years, he did not just start rejoicing that it was time to return, but he started fasting and praying for God’s Word to be fulfilled.

Why do the promises of God need intercession to be fulfilled? As we are told in Psalm 115:16, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” The Lord delegated authority over the earth to men, which is why He will not do things on the earth until we ask Him to. This is also why Jesus became a Man to become the Mediator, and while on earth, He always referred to Himself as the Son of man. He was the Son of God too, but He came here to be a Man to recover what man had lost.

Therefore, when we know it is time for the promises of God to be fulfilled, we need to engage heaven with prayer and fasting, being intercessors in unity with Jesus who we are told “ever lives to intercede” (see Hebrews 7:25). He is a Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek, and we are priests in the same order. For this reason, one of the primary messages and works among His people will be to restore the priesthood to which we are all called. Rick Joyner, 1/4/2011

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