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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dreams and long term planning with Abba

Each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the
skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits.
~Falton J. Sheen~

It is that time of the year when everybody is making new year's resolutions and are all worked up for the changes that are going to take place THIS year. I read in the Barna Group survey that less than 5% of people in the USA have planned on getting closer with you in 2011 Abba, that less than 1% has any plans on getting involved with a charity or something beyond their won desires and needs.

It is sad how we have given up any long term plans and dreams. It is all about now and the immediate. We change jobs every five years (at the MOST), we move homes, we throw away as it is to much effort or trouble or expense to fix. The world changes its technology at such a speed that the average person cannot keep up. We are bombarded with information and communication every day. The shelves in the shops have such a variety that it is almost impossible to decided on simple decisions as which shampoo do I need.

In all this madness we are living in, even our faith has become temporary, changing, needs to have new heights and extremes or it has become boring, old news. The world is craving extremes and excitement every day, and such the flavor of faith changes constantly as well.

Today it is crystals, tomorrow it is the psychic, and the day after we might try this thing called Christianity, but if all the promises I hear is not fulfilled within a week or so - the riches, health, wealth etc. I am demanding from this "universal" God, and then I am moving on again.

How sad have we become Abba! How little long term planning and dreams have we got left. Even as Your children we are so busy telling everybody that it is the end times and we are so focused on the now that we are forgetting to dream for our children and their children.

You tell us in Your Word that we must build homes, plant vineyards and grow in our faith. LONG term dreams and plans

Share Your dreams and plans with us Abba. Fill us again with a purpose and let us build values and norms again. Show us how we can dream again for a future please Abba.

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